Swans to watch

By Chris Kamara

Image: Swansea City: outclassed Bradford, says Kamara

Kammy asks if Swansea can keep their fine team together and reviews the twists at top and bottom.

Kammy's back with his picks of the weekend

Every Saturday, Chris Kamara heads to stadiums up and down the country to deliver his unique match reports for Soccer Saturday. On Sundays you can see him back in the Sky Sports studios as he brings you all of the highlights on Goals on Sunday. And then on Mondays you can find Kammy right here on skysports.com as he brings you his views on the Premier League weekend. Read below for his thoughts on Swansea's Capital One Cup win over Bradford,

Swansea deserve all the acclaim, but will this be the start of big things for them? It's all very well being the favourites, but how many times have the favourites been toppled before? The Capital One Cup Final went the way you thought it would go if Swansea played well on that big Wembley pitch - and that's exactly what they did. Swansea outclassed Bradford on the day and the pitch was too big for the League Two side. However, you don't know how Swansea will progress from here because so many clubs will look at players like Michu, Jonathan de Guzman, Nathan Dyer and Ashley Williams, who probably aren't the best-paid players in the Premier League but have been performing brilliantly. They'll have ambitions and you never know if this squad will be broken up or not. In an ideal world this group would stay together for the next five years, but we don't live in an ideal world.

Bradford should not feel disappointed after their campaign The players will feel disappointed and it will be hard to swallow for them to lose 5-0 and I don't think they will want to watch the video back for a few weeks. But the achievement for them was getting there and there's no disgrace in being outclassed by an excellent Swansea team. At the end of the day, they were there and a lot of other teams would have liked to have been there, whether they got battered or not. They gave their fans a day out and had a good day out for themselves and their families. I don't think Manchester United would have played 4-4-2 against Swansea on that big Wembley pitch, I think they would have gone 4-5-1, so it was always a recipe for disaster when Bradford lined up in that way. However, it was brilliant to see their fans singing until the end. The big fear was that they would get tortured by Swansea's passing and walk away with 15 minutes left, so it was good to see them stick around.

I don't think there was any need to send off Matt Duke I know that by the letter of the law Duke should have been sent off for tripping De Guzman, but we have seen plenty of incidents this year where a yellow card was given. As I've said on several occasions in this column, players shouldn't be sent off for denying a goal-scoring opportunity when the opportunity is given back with a penalty. When the goalkeeper is involved it's even more relevant. People will say that if a goalkeeper deliberately trips a player and then saves the penalty then it's unfair, but you still don't know if De Guzman would have scored. I'm sure he would have done 99 times out of 100 but we've seen people scuff shots in that situation. I think Kevin Friend could have looked at the situation as well. Bradford were not going to come back (there were ironic cheers when Gary Jones had their one shot on target which probably didn't have enough power in it to reach the back of the net...) and there was a massive gulf in class. They were 3-0 down and nobody would have slaughtered the referee if he'd shown a yellow card. In fact he'd have probably got more plaudits.

I still can't see much hope for Manchester City in the title race They deserved to beat Chelsea on Sunday, but I can't see lightning striking twice and Manchester United throwing away another lead at the top of the table, like they did last season. I can't see Sir Alex Ferguson letting a 12-point lead slip, especially after the injury news over Robin van Persie wasn't as bad as initially feared. You never know what might happen in this game, but I would be very, very, very surprised if Man City win the title this year. Whenever you say something in this game it can bite you in the backside, but I think it's difficult to see Man United losing four games between now and the end of the season.

The relegation battle is far from over though... Harry Redknapp was more positive after the Manchester United defeat than he has been for a while. He usually tells it as it is and he says that with the fixtures coming up, they have a chance. He'll target the game with Southampton next week and if they lose that then it's probably all over. We've said for the last three months that if they don't win their next game they'll be down, but I don't think you could go beyond the Southampton game and say that again. I was at the Reading v Wigan game and the first goal came off the arm of Gary Caldwell, but the referee couldn't see it from his position but his assistant should have done. There was a bit of injustice for Reading there, but after that it was a very one-sided game. Wigan didn't look like a relegation team and they are a team that is used to the pressure at this time of year.

It was a huge win for Arsenal, but the pressure is still on them After losing to Blackburn and being outclassed by Bayern Munich it was vital for them to beat Aston Villa. Barring a miracle, there's no way back for them in the Champions League so they needed a morale-boost ahead of the Tottenham game next weekend. It's not nice watching somebody like Arsene Wenger crumble on the touchline and it's sad to see a man who has done so much for the club in the position that he's in now. It must hurt a hell of a lot to get so much criticism from the fans. After Everton lost to Norwich, it looks like four from five will go into the Champions League so the big challenge for them is to get above Spurs. Next weekend's North London derby looks like another huge game in a season where Wenger has been continually under pressure.