Dulwich Hamlet's Champion Hill could be subject of compulsory purchase order on Tuesday

By James Cole, Sky Sports News

Image: Dulwich Hamlet fans are aiming to be back at Champion Hill after a spell at Tooting & Mitcham begins on Tuesday

Dulwich Hamlet could move a step closer to returning to their Champion Hill home at a Southwark Council meeting on Tuesday evening.

The council is seeking to impose a compulsory purchase order (CPO) on the home ground of the Bostik League Premier Division club, whose licence to play there was terminated last week by owners Meadow Residential.

Champion Hill's future will be discussed at a council meeting on Tuesday when the cabinet is expected to unanimously approve a report into the acquisition of the freehold from Meadow.

Meadow evicted the seventh-tier club, who regularly attract attendances of over 2,000 to Champion Hill, over what it claimed were repeated breaches of the club's licence.

The American property development firm wants to build new housing on the site of Champion Hill, with its plans also seeing a new home for Hamlet constructed on an adjacent site.


But those plans have been blocked by Southwark Council, whose leader Peter John has called on Meadow to sell the site - a call backed by Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

After being locked out of Champion Hill, Dulwich were offered a temporary groundshare by local rivals Tooting & Mitcham in order to see out the 2017-18 season.

They play their first game at Tooting's Imperial Fields ground on Tuesday evening, a Velocity Trophy semi-final tie against Met Police, and will be back there for a league game against Worthing on Sunday.

Hamlet sit second in the Bostik League Premier Division table, two points behind Folkestone Invicta with two games in hand, but only two points ahead of Billericay who have a further five games to make up on them.
