Transfer news: Ex-West Ham and Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe hints at Toronto exit

Image: Jermain Defoe: Toronto future in doubt

Jermain Defoe has hinted his future could lie away from Toronto FC after what he believes is unfair criticism from some of the club’s supporters.

The former West Ham and Portsmouth striker joined the MLS side in February after leaving Tottenham.

The striker has missed 10 of the club’s last 14 games through injury leading to fans on social media questioning his commitment to playing for Toronto.


“You read things, and obviously social media is powerful, and I see things from the fans,” Defoe said.

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“I try not to read it, but I’m only human. But obviously I want to read things, and you want people to like you, you want the fans to realise that you love playing for the club and you love football.

Jermain Defoe has hinted he may leave MLS side Toronto if the club's fans don't get behind him

“But I suppose people over here don’t really know me as well as the people back home and sometimes I read it and I think to myself are they talking about me? They must be getting the wrong person. I suppose it’s part and parcel of playing football, and I’ll take it on the chin.

“There a few fans that have said certain things which I think are a bit harsh and obviously I wouldn’t retaliate but at the same time if you do want someone to stay at a football club then at least support them and show them that you want to be here.

“In football, I’ve never come out and said publicly that I want to leave a football club,” Defoe said. “In the end of the day, I don’t know what the future holds, but I will say that I was desperate to get into the playoffs and it’s something that I would love to experience.”

“I’m professional, and as long as I know in my heart is that I’m committed then I suppose the rest doesn’t really bother me.”

Toronto FC head coach Greg Vanney also cast doubt on Defoe’s future at the club.

“What I’m not sure is, now that he’s spent a year in this league, what are his true feelings about this league and this decision he’s made,” Vanney said.

“Does he want to really see this out, and is this really where he wants to push his career? These are all conversations that we’re going to have once this season closes.

“We would like to have him back if he’s ready to play and his mind is in the right place and believes in the project.”
