United States, Mexico and Canada formally submit 2026 World Cup bid

Image: The United States, Mexico and Canada have submitted a joint bid to host the 2026 World Cup

The United States, Mexico and Canada have formally submitted their joint bid to host the 2026 World Cup.

Morocco is also hoping to stage the tournament, with a decision due to be announced by world governing body FIFA on June 13.

Carlos Cordeiro, president of US Soccer, wrote on Twitter: "The United Bid of Canada, Mexico and the USA to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup has been submitted!

"Our message to the world: with 23 world-class stadiums and 150 training sites already built and operating, we are ready to host! #United2026"

Image: FIFA president Gianni Infantino confirmed that Morocco is the only other country to have submitted a rival bid

In a letter addressed to 'presidents, general secretaries and members of our FIFA family', Cordeiro and bid co-chairmen Steven Reed and Decio De Maria wrote: "We believe that our three nations offer the only bid that can deliver the certainty that's needed."


FIFA president Gianni Infantino confirmed that only Morocco has submitted a rival bid to host the World Cup in 2026.

"There were no other bids. Only those two," said Infantino. "Today the FIFA council looked at the different timelines and stages at what has been done and what is going to be done in the coming weeks.

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"And we adopted and approved the regulations governing the voting for the World Cup at congress."
