World Cup: Belgium captain Vincent Kompany eases pressure on Romelu Lukaku

Image: Romelu Lukaku: Is under no obligations, says Vincent Kompany

Belgium captain Vincent Kompany insists there is no pressure on striker Romelu Lukaku to deliver World Cup success for their country.

Chelsea striker Lukaku, 21, has been thrust into the Belgium side at Brazil 2014 because of injury to Aston Villa’s Christian Benteke.

Lukaku struggled to gain a handle on their opening game, with substitutes Dries Mertens and Marouane Fellaini needed to secure a 2-1 win over Algeria.

But Kompany said: "Romelu has a tremendous amount of talent, and for us it's about not putting pressure on a 21-year-old kid to do it for us at a World Cup.

“A lot of other people will take the responsibility. He is only 21 so he probably has two or more World Cups left, so there is no pressure on his shoulders.


“If he performs well for us we will be happy, but the most important thing is he puts in his performance for the benefit of the group and he'll be okay.”

Romelu has a tremendous amount of talent, and for us it's about not putting pressure on a 21-year-old kid to do it for us at a World Cup.
Vincent Kompany

Belgium take on Russia in their second Group H game on Sunday in the Maracana – a stadium Kompany admits he has dreamt of playing in since he was a boy.

More from World Cup Group H

"To face off against Russia, there, will be really special – it was one of my boyhood dreams coming true just to walk on that sacred pitch,” the 28-year-old said.

"I have played in a lot of the big stadiums in Europe and the most mythical stadiums in the world are Wembley and the Maracana, so this is something very special.

"We are not going to prove ourselves by style, only results. How have Spain, England, Italy, even Brazil got on? Countries have to focus on getting through the group stage."

Speaking to reporters, Kompany also expressed his sympathy for the plight of England after they were knocked out on Friday.

He said: "My wife is English and, she thinks my kids are English too, and because of the English players I have as friends, who I have a lot of respect for, meant I wanted them to have a good competition.

 “I'm very saddened as much as the English fans about the exit of England.”
