Chelsea right to offer John Terry new contract, says Jamie Redknapp

By Jamie Redknapp, Football Expert & Columnist

Chelsea are right to offer John Terry a one-year contract extension - he's the best defender the Premier League has seen. To have let him go would not have been a wise move.

When he announced in January he was likely to be leaving I expected there to be another twist. There was a similar situation last season and ultimately Chelsea can't afford to let him leave.

If they had three better centre-backs, then fair enough. But that's not the case.

The fans love him and idolise him. That was clear at Anfield with their songs and banners. But it's not about sentiment.

Terry is a serial winner, a leader, a great communicator and there aren't many like him around. If I could have had any centre back in a side I played in, he'd have been the one I'd have picked.

Chelsea captain John Terry has been offered a one-year contract extension at Stamford Bridge

We always think about the times he puts his body on the line and cuts out crosses at the near post. But when I watch him play I always marvel at how technically good he is with both feet. He's a very talented defender.

He's never really had credit for how good he is on the ball. How many times do you see him hit cross-field passes with his left or right foot without a problem? He's very comfortable on the ball.

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He's never been blessed with blistering pace but, as well as his technique, he's got a football brain that surpasses pretty much every defender we've seen in the Premier League.

Image: Chelsea fans display a banner in support of John Terry during their 1-1 draw at Liverpool

If you were a young centre-back at Chelsea and you had anything about you and wanted to learn how to play, you'd tap into his knowledge.

I don't think young players are open-minded enough to do that now - they think they know it all. But if there is anyone who wanted to learn, there's no better centre-back than Terry and you can't put a price on that.

Image: Redknapp describes Terry as a technically gifted defender

I also expect him to be an important person in the dressing room for Antonio Conte next season.

If you have him onside as a manager he can be a real asset. Conte and his coaches coming to the club won't know about the dressing room and how it works like John does.

John Terry will be a massive ally for new Chelsea manager Antonio Conte.
Jamie Redknapp

He's at an age where he's experienced enough not to think just about himself now and he will be a massive ally for the new manager.

I'm sure Terry will understand he can't start every game next season and I don't think that would be a major problem for him. He's 35 but still has plenty more to offer Chelsea. 
