Greg Dyke: FA will not back Michel Platini if FIFA's ethics committee finds he behaved improperly

Image: FA Chairman Greg Dyke

Football Association chairman Greg Dyke insists the governing body will drop its backing for Michel Platini if FIFA's ethics committee finds he behaved improperly.

UEFA president Platini and FIFA president Sepp Blatter have been handed 90-day provisional bans by the committee while investigations take place into a £1.35m payment to the Frenchman.

The action is a severe blow to Platini's hopes of running to succeed Blatter. The FA is waiting for the outcome of the investigation.

Dyke said: "If the ethics committee reaches a conclusion that Mr Platini has not behaved properly or has behaved dishonestly then of course the FA will not support him.

"That's why we said in our statement that we are awaiting the results of the investigation - we need to see the evidence.


"I can see why people are saying we should stop supporting him now, but we will follow what the ethics committee decides.

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"Platini claims it's a fix, but if they decide he has behaved improperly we will not support him and I'm sure I would have the backing of the FA board on that."
