Sunday Supplement panel debate Sunday Times doping allegations

The Sunday Supplement panel discuss the report in the Sunday Times

Does doping happen in football?

That was the question posed on the Sunday Supplement after the Sunday Times published claims from British doctor Mark Bonar that he had provided performance-enhancing drugs to 150 sports stars, including some Premier League footballers.

Leicester, Arsenal and Chelsea released statements on Sunday morning dismissing the claims and UK Anti-Doping said it was "deeply shocked and concerned" by the report.

Three of the country's top football writers gathered at the Supplement breakfast table to debate the issue with Neil Ashton.

Daily Express football writer Matt Dunn described 150 as "a huge number", and questioned whether the doctor had exaggerated the volume of clients.


He also backed the authorities' investigation into the claims and called on the Sunday Times to provide names to help them.

The People's Steve Bates and The Sun's Charlie Wyett both agreed it would be "foolish" to think doping doesn't go on in football and suggested footballers attempting to recover from injuries were most likely to seek such advantages.

Also See:

Watch the video at the top of the page for their interesting conversation on the topic.
