Stoke seek Vass compensation

Image: Vass: Joined Brescia in 2007

Stoke's bid to secure compensation from Brescia for Adam Vass has reached the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Potters case reaches Court of Arbitration for Sport

Stoke's bid to secure compensation from Brescia for Hungary international Adam Vass has reached the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland. The 22-year-old midfielder spent two-and-a-half years at the Britannia Stadium before turning down the offer of a contract in favour of a move to the Italian club in 2007. Stoke chief executive Tony Scholes appeared before sport's supreme court in Lausanne on Thursday to argue their case for compensation. "We believe we are entitled to compensation under Fifa rules and our legal advice has been that, at the very least, we have a very strong case," Scholes told the club's official website. "We didn't receive any training compensation from Brescia for Adam who spent two-and-a-half years with us and did very well during that time with the club. "We wanted him to stay here and offered him a new contract when he was still 18 years old but he decided to sign for Brescia where he has since gone on to fulfil that promise and has played at least 100 games for them. "We have been unable to agree anything with Brescia and so have taken this through the various levels at Fifa to the Court of Arbitration."