Cristiano Ronaldo blasts 'negative Iceland' at Euro 2016 Finals

By Andy Swales

Image: Cristiano Ronaldo was unhappy with Iceland who secured a famous draw on their Euro 2016 debut against Portugal

Cristiano Ronaldo was in no mood to praise plucky Iceland who fought back from a goal down in St Etienne to grab a point in a 1-1 draw.

Nani gave Portugal a 31st minute lead before Birkir Bjarnason's volley, early in the second half, brought Iceland level in their Group F opener at the Euro 2016 Finals.

The game marked Iceland's historic first appearance at a major international tournament, but Ronaldo was quick to complain about their performance: "It was a little bit frustrating, we tried hard to win the game, Iceland didn't try anything.

"They scored a goal, they created two chances in the 90 minutes but otherwise they got every player behind the ball. They put the bus in the net.

Image: Nani fires Portugal ahead

"So it's difficult when one team doesn't try, but Portugal tried to play football and tried to win the game.


"Iceland didn't try anything, they were just defend, defend, defend and playing on the counter-attack. It was a lucky night for them."

Iceland, with a population of just 330,000, is the smallest nation to ever feature at a European Championship finals.

Also See:

Ronaldo frozen out by Iceland

Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal frustrated by Iceland at Euro 2016

Ronaldo, who spurned a number of chances himself during the match, also criticised the way Iceland behaved following the final whistle: "I thought they'd won the Euros the way they celebrated at the end, it was unbelievable.

"When they don't try to play and just defend, defend, defend, this in my opinion shows a small mentality and they are not going to do anything in the competition."

Iceland didn't try anything, they were just defend, defend, defend and playing on the counter-attack
Cristiano Ronaldo

Portugal coach Fernando Santos was more magnanimous about their opponents while accepting his own team's shortcomings: "We should have scored more goals, there is no secret about that.

"We are to blame for that. Then there was this move. We knew they could play long balls and that they had good crossers. They were very pragmatic.

"There are always difficulties in the first game. I think we'll bounce back to play two great matches. There's no use crying over spilled milk."

And Iceland's coach Heimir Hallgrimsson was delighted with the result: "So many things are happening for the first time to Iceland.

"This is another first-time achievement. It was fantastic to play here. It was like playing at home, the fans were fantastic.

Image: Iceland midfielder Theodor Bjarnason (18) and his team-mates celebrate in St Etienne

"It's down to teamwork. You can't put one player to stop a guy like Ronaldo. It has to be a team effort, closing the areas.

"There were a lot of players responsible for Ronaldo tonight. We did a really good job, well done to the lads."

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