Inverness deny Chester claims

Image: Dinning: Bumped into Thomson

Inverness Caledonian Thistle have rejected claims that the club tried to tap up two Chester players.

League Two club to complain to FA following tapping-up allegations

Inverness Caledonian Thistle have rejected claims that the club tried to tap up two Chester City players. Chester have confirmed they are to report Inverness to the Football Association amid accusations of an alleged illegal approach. The League Two club have disciplined two players following the incident, with reports suggesting Paul Butler and Tony Dinning are the players to have been suspended. But Inverness assistant manager Malcolm Thomson, who had a spell as former Chester boss Bobby Williamson's No.2, has denied the allegations.

Total surprise

"It comes as a total surprise to me because I can't imagine Caley Thistle are a club who would do anything illegal," Thomson told the club's official website. "It was news to me when I arrived back from training a short time ago and learned Chester City have made the allegation. "I'm of an understanding that nobody from this club has approached anybody illegally. "I was down at the Shrewsbury against Wrexham game at the weekend and bumped into a number of players, one of whom was Tony Dinning. "But I also bumped into Bob Gray, the Chester chief executive, and Simon Davies, the manager. I can only think something in the conversation has been misconstrued somewhere along the line."