Swailes stays with Accies

Image: Swailes: Retirement on hold

Chris Swailes has put his retirement plans on hold to sign a one-year contract with Hamilton.

Veteran defender performs retirement U-turn

Chris Swailes has put his retirement plans on hold to sign a one-year contract with SPL new boys Hamilton Academical. The 37-year-old had decided to quit football at the end of last season and move to Gran Canaria to take up a coaching position. However, the former Ipswich and Oldham defender has accepted a 12-month deal to play in the SPL with Hamilton next season. Hamilton boss Billy Reid was delighted with Swailes' decision to postpone his retirement and lend his experience to the squad for another year. Reid told the club's official website: "I am really pleased with this piece of business. "Chris has done tremendously for us over the past 18 months, he has played in the Premiership down south and will clearly give us top flight experience for next season. He has never let us down and is a big part of our squad. "He has put his plans to uproot his family to Spain on hold. It's a big gain for Accies."