Newcastle chairman steps down

By Ben Collins

Image: Mort: Newcastle departure confirmed

Newcastle have confirmed that Chris Mort has stepped down as chairman to be replaced by Derek Llambias.

Llambias replaces Mort at Magpies helm

Newcastle United have confirmed that Chris Mort has stepped down as chairman to be replaced by deputy chairman Derek Llambias. Mort had already announced his intention to leave the club before the start of the new season and has now returned to his role as partner at London-based law firm Freshfields. His duties will be taken on by Llambias, who will take up the new title of managing director and head up a new-look boardroom structure, with David Williamson as executive director (operations) and Dennis Wise as executive director (football). Llambias, a business associate of owner Mike Ashley, now believes Newcastle have the right team in place to bring back the glory days to St James' Park.

Right people

"Since coming to work at Newcastle United I have quickly begun to appreciate the passion people have for the football club," he told the club's official website. "I firmly believe we have the right people with the right expertise, with Kevin Keegan back as manager and being fully supported by Mike Ashley and the directors, to take the club forward again." Mort joined Newcastle after Ashley took control of the Magpies last summer and during his year at the helm he undertook a full strategic review of the club, as well as making key appointments. "I've enjoyed my time immensely as chairman of Newcastle United," he added. "But with high-quality individuals recruited for each of the key management roles at the club, and the club heading in the right direction following the strategic review, the time feels right for me to return to Freshfields."