More misery for McGugan

By Chris Burton

Image: McGugan: Injury setback

Lewis McGugan has suffered a setback in his rehabilitation from a torn thigh muscle.

Midfielder could be out for a further six weeks

Lewis McGugan has suffered a setback in his rehabilitation from a torn thigh muscle. The Nottingham Forest midfielder had been struggling with the problem for some time prior to the new season getting underway, before deciding to seek help on the matter following the Reds' 3-1 to defeat to Swansea in August. He has already been sidelined for almost a month, but is now facing up to the prospect of a further six weeks on the treatment table. A scan on the problematic area has revealed a rupture in the thigh and Forest's medical staff believe it will be some time before the 19-year-old can return to action. "It's quite a serious injury he's got with part of the thigh having ruptured," Reds boss Colin Calderwood told the club's official website. "That needs a considerable amount of time to reattach itself strong enough to allow him to play again."


The news will have come as a major blow to the youngster as he has seen his fledging career blighted by injuries. Forest were hoping to have the talented teenager back in their side as soon as possible as they look to build on an inconsistent start to life back in the Championship. Meanwhile, Calderwood has also been rocked by the news Julian Bennett is set to be unavailable for the Reds' next three fixtures. The club's reigning Player of the Year tore a calf muscle in the recent 5-1 defeat at Wolves and is facing a frustrating spell on the sidelines. "Julian has a small tear in the calf region and I don't think we'll have him for the next three games," said Calderwood.