Pennant eyes Reds lifeline

Image: Pennant: Back in contention

Jermaine Pennant remains hopeful he still has a future at Liverpool following a bright Carling Cup display.

Liverpool winger wants Anfield chance

Jermaine Pennant remains hopeful he still has a future at Liverpool following a bright Carling Cup display against Crewe on Tuesday night. The former Arsenal man has been starved of playing time this season but gave his manager something to think about with a rousing display at Anfield. Pennant was the architect of Liverpool's winning goal as he crossed for Lucas Leiva and having impressed in his first involvement of the campaign, the player is hopeful of forcing his way back into contention on a regular basis. The 25-year-old winger had been linked with a move away from Merseyside before the transfer window closed - reportedly turning down Stoke on deadline day - but is now determined to fight for his place.


He said: "It is very frustrating to know that you've been a playing such big part of the team and all of a sudden you are in the shadows but that's the manager's choice and you just have to get on with it. "If you get your chance you have to make the most of it and when teams come to Anfield it's their cup final so it can be difficult. "We have got a lot of strength in the squad which is why it is so hard to get in the team so I'll keep plugging away and see what happens. "It was nice to play a game - whether it's the Carling Cup or any game it's good to get a run out I and enjoyed every minute of it. "It gives another us chance to play another game and if the draw is good we can go further in the competition."