Drummond downs Shots

Image: Drummond: Fine goal

Stewart Drummond's unstoppable 35-yard thunderbolt rounded off a fine 2-0 victory for Morecambe.

Veteran strikes to hand Morecambe spoils

Stewart Drummond's unstoppable 35-yard thunderbolt rounded off a fine 2-0 victory for Morecambe and piled misery on out-of-form Aldershot. The 33-year-old midfielder picked up the ball a full 40 yards out after 55 minutes, before advancing and unleashing a thumping drive into the top corner. Wayne Curtis had earlier notched his third in three games since his return to Morecambe, tapping in from close range after Shots keeper Alex McCarthy failed to hold Rene Howe's effort. A cagey opening saw chances limited but it was Curtis who gave the hosts a taste of things to come, skipping past Anthony Charles and sending a dipping shot past the upright after 20 minutes. Curtis then opened the scoring in first-half stoppage time when the ball rebounded kindly to him after a superb save from McCarthy. Drummond then put the result beyond any doubt with his stunning strike that left McCarthy with no chance in the home goal. Aldershot, who remain without a win since Boxing Day, rarely threatened with a Scott Davies free-kick, that just flew wide, the closest they came to finding the net.