Farewell Mr Aldershot

Image: Aldershot: bid farewell to McGinty

Aldershot FanZoner Ben Blundell mourns the loss of chairman John McGinty, who passed away at the weekend.

Football doesn't matter when you've lost one of your own

FanZone correspondent Ben Blundell - like most Shots fans - knew chairman John McGinty. Which made his passing even more poignant...

Bill Shankly once said: "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." At times like this, I can do nothing but disagree. In fact, it is Shankly's attitude that disappoints me. Because, when you lose someone who you hold so dear, who so many look to as a gentleman and a true great within your club, football means absolutely nothing. I'm sure that if you are reading this then you have some sort of affinity to Aldershot Town, or maybe are just interested in the club. Therefore, you'll probably know about the passing of our chairman, John McGinty, after a long battle with cancer. I cannot think of a nicer man on this planet. He always had a joke to tell, a hand to shake, a person to say hello to. Not many other chairmen could you sing "There's only one John McGinty" from one side of the ground to another, and have the man himself stand up and give a wave to the fans. Aldershot through-and-through, - and didn't we know it.


During an interview for Sky Sports' Big League Weekend, I asked him how he felt before our first game back in the Football League away to Accrington at the start of last season. "I've felt excited since the season finished, and by God it's weird. I've used all my excitement up, but now it's coming back again." And that was just John. Excited for his club, the man bled red and blue. Football is absolutely nothing without the ones you love to enjoy it with you. Aldershot beat Accrington 3-1on Saturday, but the football meant nothing. With John leaving us that morning, the game meant nothing. Yes, we won, but it came at a massive price, and that was the loss of the greatest man this club has known. A flag was flown at half-mast not only by the club, but also by fans in the East Bank, as a mark of respect shown by the Red Blue Army. Myself, along with two other fans, Chappie and Darryl, brought the flag onto the pitch during the minutes' silence for John.
I thank the club for allowing us to show this respect for John, and I have left the flag tied up in the East Bank flying at half-mast to remind people of who we have lost. A brace from Scott Donnelly with a Marvin Morgan goal in between sealed it for us today, and overall we bossed the game in my opinion and Donnelly undoubtedly deserved his two goals and a man of the match award. Grimsby away next Saturday, and seeing as they've won one out of four, and lost both at home, we could do well here. We lost 1-0 there last season, thanks to a dodgy penalty, but I think we'll take a point away from Blundell Park. I'll be happy with that, anyway. R.I.P John, We'll miss you... Pay your respects to John McGinty by filling in the feedback form below...