Adidas F50 shin guards review

Image: The adidas F50 shin guards

The adidas F50 TECHFIT shin guards provide a refreshing change when it comes to protection while playing football. You see Premier League footballers yanking tiny shin pads out of their socks after a match and wonder to yourself how they can provide any form of protection. Well, the TECHFIT shin guards are a similar concept and once you feel their quality it all starts to make sense. This piece of mandatory equipment has been streamlined for the modern game. Gone are the days when a tattered piece of Velcro struggled to hold a bulky pair of pads in place. These shin guards come with a high comfort compression sleeve, which houses the shields and also (somehow) helps blood circulation. The detachable shield has a protective hard-shell front plate, they are extremely lightweight yet have the feel of something more suited to bullet proof armour. I know what you're thinking, how much difference can a new pair of shinpads make? I put them to the test in a local five-a-side league competition and wanted to see instant results, and to be fair I wasn't disappointed. They seemed to free up the ankles, helping with control and movement. Plus, as my legs began to turn to lead towards the end, these pads didn't feel like they were adding to the misery. These shinpads look and feel like the business. Largely due to the lightweight and durability of the product, something which the F50 range is well known for. Don't get me wrong though, a swift blow to the shin might not leave you grinning with satisfaction but these will protect you as well as, if not better than other leading pads. I have seen the future of shinnies, they are light and comfortable - my old battered, bruised and cracked ones are consigned to the rubbish bin.
Locker Room rating: 4.5/5