Oakland's Matt Joyce given two-game ban for homophobic slur

Image: Matt Joyce has been suspended for using homophobic language towards a fan

Oakland outfielder Matt Joyce has received a two-game suspension without pay for directing a homophobic slur towards a fan in Anaheim.

The 33-year-old will take part in a public outreach initiative with PFLAG, a family and ally organisation supporting the LGBTQ community.

Major League Baseball made the announcement, saying Joyce's penalty was set to begin on Saturday, when he also apologised through the team.

Joyce said he is "beyond sorry," and the Athletics made a statement insisting his language was unacceptable and wouldn't be tolerated, as they donated more than $54,000 of Joyce's lost salary to PFLAG.

"First and foremost I'd like to start by apologizing to everyone, especially the fans, the Oakland A's, the Bay Area, they've been awesome to me, and obviously the LGBTQ community, whom I have a lot of respect for," Joyce said before Saturday's game.

"I'm deeply ashamed and embarrassed at my actions and the language that I did use. It's very uncharacteristic of me.

Image: Joyce said he is ashamed by his actions and "can't apologise enough"

The exchange occurred in the eighth inning of Los Angeles' 8-6 win after the Angels' first baseman C.J. Cron made a diving stop of Joyce's hard-hit grounder.

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Joyce, who is in his first season with Oakland, said he responded to a fan's "vulgar and obscene words about me and my family" but has apologised for a "truly regrettable moment".

"I let the emotions and frustrations really get the better of me there. I obviously said some words that should never be said. There's no excuse, there's no good excuse for that kind of language to be said and ever used," Joyce said.

"I really hope the people out there can find it in their heart to forgive me and not to be too quick to judge me on one incident. It's very unfortunate. It's one of those things I'm obviously going to regret. I already do. It's a tough lesson to be learned. I can't apologize enough."