The saddest sight in poker

In the last of our pieces looking at the World Series of Poker (WSOP) 2016, which effectively ended two weeks ago, we look at the greatest sight in poker, and the saddest sight in poker, and then try to put some perspective on the whole thing.

By Tony Kendall

Image: Neil Channing, Sky Poker's ambassador at the 2016 World Series of Poker.

Best sight in poker? Easy one. When the WSOP is in full flow, there is nothing even remotely comparable to being in the Amazon Room at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, crowded with poker players, tables, railers, and the sound of millions (yes, millions) of chips being riffled. The atmosphere is positively electric, the whole place has a buzz about it.

The image above shows Sky Poker Ambassador Neil Channing in the WSOP main event, but behind him, look at all the players, and tables. Best sight in poker ever.

Two days later, deep in the event, you can also cut the atmosphere with a knife, the room crowded with players and railers alike.

Image: Railers at the 2016 World Series of Poker.

And now the saddest sight in poker - this was just days later. The room has been stripped of tables, chairs, chips and players, and all that is left is a giant, empty room.

Image: An empty Amazon Room at the Rio Hotel Las Vegas, after the 2016 World Series of Poker.

And exactly one day later, look at this - scores of pool tables are in place, ready for the US Open 8 Ball Pool Championship.

Image: The Amazon Room at the Rio Hotel, Las Vegas.

The 8 ball pool lasted for just 3 days, and then it was rinse repeat, as everything was cleared away for another year. And what follows that at the Rio Hotel? The 50thAnniversary Official Star Trek Convention. Can't make this stuff up.  

And that's the thing - many of us adore poker, and quite right too, but we live in a world where there is something for everyone, and whilst we fixate on poker, in the wider world, where does it sit?

The WSOP in Las Vegas lasts for 6 weeks, has 69 events, and over 100,000 players participated. Other sports, games and activities have their equivalent too, though. 

Baseball has its own World Series, NBA have their Annual Finals, NFL has Superbowl, Tennis has Wimbledon, Hockey has the Stanley Cup, football the World Cup, Golf the Majors and the Ryder Cup, horse racing has the 5 Classics, and athletics the Olympics. In fact, for every sporting activity or game you can think of, they have their pinnacle, the events around which everything else revolves

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why the World Series of Poker is the best of the lot. Can you name me another sport or game even remotely comparable?

Roll on the 2017 World Series of Poker.
