Last Action Hero

Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson told Soccer AM about his debut as a world saving action hero.

Former wrestler finally saves world

Having to save the world is not an everyday situation that most of us will ever have to encounter. However, if you're a Hollywood actor with over 20 films under your belt and the build of a professional athlete, the chances are you would already have saved humanity from impending doom on more than one occasion. That is unless your name is Dwayne Johnson. The former WWE wrestler, who was famously known as The Rock, has only just made his debut as a world saving action hero in his new movie Race to Witch Mountain and he told Helen and Max all about it. "I play a cab driver in Las Vegas and I pick up two passengers who have to get from point a to point b," he told Soccer AM. "They turn out to be aliens and if I don't get them to their spaceship in time our planet is going to end, because it is going to get invaded, and their planet is going to end too. "So the notion of me saving the world was pretty cool, because I've never saved the world before. It's my debut at saving the world!


In the film, which is a re-imagining of the 1975 movie, Escape to Witch Mountain, Johnson breaks the famous Hollywood rule of never working with animals or children. The Disney movie stars teenagers AnnaSophia Robb and Alexander Ludwig, as well as a dog, and Johnson admitted there were some scenes where he was overshadowed by the K9. "The dog was great," he said. "There is this rule in Hollywood that you're not supposed to work with animals or kids, and of course I haven't followed that at all having worked with both! "But the one thing you realise when you work with an animal in a scene is that regardless of what kind of performance you are giving - and you could be giving an Oscar worthy performance - if there's a dog in the scene nobody gives a crap about what you're doing or what you're saying."
The last time Johnson was on the show he randomly picked Macclesfield Town out of hat as the football team he would forever support. Almost a year on we wanted to find out just how much of his time he had devoted to the club and town and whether he had a message for them. "Do I have a message for my people of Macclesfield? Yeah the message is always I thank them so much for their love and support and every time I go back there the amount of love I get really moves me!" he said. "We're the pride of Cheshire, but I think we've lost our last five games in a row."