Cena fired from WWE

Image: Cena: fired

John Cena called the WWE Title Match straight down the middle, allowing champion Randy Orton to retain - whilst ending his own career.

Career over as Orton retains WWE Title Match against Barrett

At Survivor Series, John Cena called the WWE Title Match straight down the middle, allowing champion Randy Orton to retain - whilst ending his own career in the process. For weeks, Wade Barrett, leader of The Nexus, had threatened Cena, reminding the group's reluctant member that if he were to lose to The Viper, Cena would be fired from WWE. Once the match got under way, though, the Englishman appeared to hold his own against The Viper, despite the fact that The Nexus was banned from ringside. After the two went back and forth, Barrett gained control of the match and struck Orton with his Wasteland finishing move. Cena, who had called the match fairly throughout, began to count, but Orton grabbed the ropes.


An extremely frustrated Barrett then got in Cena's face, and shoved the special referee. Cena shoved back, however, which led to Barrett being on the end of a thunderous RKO. Although Cena appeared hesitant, fully aware of the consequences, he nonetheless remained true to his word, counted to three and raised Orton's hand in victory. As per the stipulations laid out in this match, the fact that Barrett did not become WWE champion means that Cena is 'fired' from WWE.