Thepchaiya Un-Nooh misses final black in 147 attempt for second time this season

By PA Sport

Image: Thepchaiya Un-Nooh has missed out on two 147s this season

Thepchaiya Un-Nooh claimed unwanted attention in World Championship qualifying when he missed the final black of a 147 attempt - for the second time this season.

The Thai player also squandered a chance in December when, playing against Neil Robertson at the UK Championship, he cleared 15 reds and blacks and the colours up to the pink before pushing the black to the far jaw.

Astonishingly, just over four months on, the 30-year-old repeated the heartbreaking miss in the final qualifying round on Tuesday.

In the fourth frame against Anthony McGill at Ponds Forge in Sheffield, Un-Nooh carved out a prime opportunity with the final few colours all on their spots.

But he slightly over-ran his positional shot from blue to pink and then left himself low on the black, albeit still in position to finish the job.


He got down quickly to play it, but the shot rattled out of the jaws of the pocket, prompting Un-Nooh to throw his cue down on the table in frustration.

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The miss cost Un-Nooh a bonus of £8,500 plus what looked to be the £1,000 high break prize for qualifying, which was held by Peter Lines' 142 until incredibly, Un-Nooh went on to beat Lines' mark by knocking in a 144 in frame eight.
