Barrie McDermott: Canadian team would boost League One

The RFL has received an application from Rugby League Canada to enter a team based in Toronto into League One from 2016

Barrie McDermott believes League One teams would embrace the inclusion of a Canadian team, but finances could prove a problem.

Newspaper reports on Wednesday morning say the Rugby Football League will give the green light to the creation of a team based in Toronto for the 2016 season.

The Canadians are believed to be prepared to cover the travelling expenses for themselves and their opponents.

They would play four consecutive home games before travelling 3,500 miles across the Atlantic Ocean for a quartet of away fixtures.


McDermott believes teams will jump at the chance to play away games in Canada, but he told Sky Sports News HQ that most players in League One are part-time and compensating for their time off work could prove to be a stumbling block.

“It’s certainly a far away day,” said the former Great Britain prop. “I first heard about this after the World Cup. The people in Canada are very passionate and the social media around their domestic league is again very enthusiastic.

“It’s not so much a surprise for the people inside the game. Obviously it has got some financial implications for the League One sides for away games but I’m sure they’d jump at the chance.

“My only question mark is how it will affect the day jobs of the players in League One as they typically aren’t full-time rugby league players. But it’s very exciting news if you’re a League One player.”
