Saracens fly-half Owen Farrell keen to emulate Dan Carter

By PA Sport

Image: Owen Farrell is keen to learn from Dan Carter

Saracens fly-half Owen Farrell is hoping to emulate Dan Carter's unflappable nature as he prepares to take on the All Black in Saturday's Champions Cup final.

Sarries director of rugby Mark McCall insists they will not target World Cup winner Carter in Lyon on Saturday and England international Farrell is keen to remain as confident under pressure as his opposite number at Racing 92.

"He's been there and done it so many times," said Farrell of Carter.

Will Greenwood previews the Champions Cup final between Saracens and Racing 92

"People talked about whether he could do it or not going into the World Cup. That's not for me to take notice of, but a player of his class was always going to play like he did.

"It's just how calm he is, how much he is in control of what he does that stands out. Trying to be calmer on the pitch, it's definitely something I'm always trying to do.

Image: Dan Carter is looking to lead Racing 92 to Champions Cup victory

"The more you're calm, the more you're in control and the more you're thinking about the right things. That's definitely something I've taken into account."

Saracens missed out 23-6 to Toulon in a frustrating 2014 Champions Cup final, where Jonny Wilkinson eased the Cote d'Azur club home.

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Live European Rugby Champions Cup Final

Sarries slipped from that defeat to a 24-20 extra-time loss to Northampton in the Premiership final just a week later and Farrell is keen to learn form that double disappointment.

"We have got to play the game, we have not got to play anything that is around the game and the occasion: we have got to play a game of rugby," he added.

"You have to learn from big games and big experiences, especially ones where it doesn't go your way.

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"You have to take everything you possibly can. I know we are a different team since then and we know we have got better. We are just excited about hopefully putting in a big performance at the weekend.

"It was two finals in two weeks that year and it took it out of you there and then and it was good for us that we had to get on the plane the next day for the England tour to New Zealand.

Racing 92 will face Saracens in the Champions Cup final after the French giants beat Leicester 19-16 in their semi-final clash on Sunday

"I don't know what I would have done if I had been sat at home thinking about it for however many weeks."

Watch the Champions Cup final on Saturday. Coverage begins on Sky Sports 2 HD at 3:45pm.
