James Haskell admits Wasps had no choice but to find new home

Image: James Haskell: Wasps captain says move to Coventry had to happen to safeguard club

James Haskell has launched an impassioned plea to Wasps fans to support the club's controversial move to Coventry.

The Wasps captain understands the reaction by supporters against the decision to relocate to the Ricoh Arena from December but says it had to be done to safeguard the club's future.

Wasps have acquired a 50% interest in Arena Coventry Limited from Coventry City Council and they will host their first fixture at their new home as early as mid-December.

Haskell has been a Wasps fan since his youth and is the longest serving player in their squad and he is fully aware of the harsh financial realities the club has been facing in recent years.

Just two years ago insolvency was avoided by a matter of hours before a holding operation mounted by a consortium bought time for current owner Derek Richardson to complete his take over.


Intimate knowledge

"People are very sceptical of change, it is human nature," Haskell said. "But look at the situation we were in - we were an hour away from going bankrupt. We were losing £3m per year for a long period of time.

"Derek Richardson came in and absorbed £10m worth of debt. Our deal at Adams Park meant that for every £1 spent we got 15p. There was no other option than to move.

"I have intimate knowledge of where this club has been and how close we were to disappearing.

"Players should be solely focused on the rugby and on performance, but at Wasps at times it's been 'are we getting paid and where are we living?' As of now that's changed.

"It's difficult to explain that business side of it to a young fan because of the emotion involved, but Coventry isn't a million miles away.

"This stadium, facility and the matchday experience - the whole set up will only make the club better.     

"Fans have been shielded from how much of a struggle it has been at times, but this move has now secured the future of Wasps."
