Aviva Premiership: London Irish can't tempt Tom Homer into staying

Image: Tom Homer: Leaving London Irish this summer

London Irish utility back Tom Homer will leave the club when his contract expires this summer.

Homer, 24, is a graduate of the Exiles academy system, and has been with the club since 2008, making 110 appearances and scoring 780 points, including 14 tries.

He was reported to be a target for Bath earlier in the week, and should he complete a move to The Rec would link up with younger brother Will, who is a member of their academy.

London Irish signed another back-line option on Thursday when Scotland international Sean Maitland agreed to join the club from Glasgow at the end of the season.

Bob Casey, operations director for London Irish said, “We did everything in our power to persuade Tom to stay at the club, however, he feels that his future is elsewhere.

"We would like to thank him for his contribution to London Irish and wish him all the best for the future.”
