WWE superstars' high-school photos

Find out what some of the biggest names in WWE looked like as awkward teenagers

Let's be honest, teenage years were awkward for most of us.

As you can see in the video above, that's also the case for WWE superstars.

They may be bulked-up, super fit sports entertainers now but when they were 15 or so they looked just as geeky as the rest of us.

Take, for example, Seth Rollins.

Image: Seth Rollins tried to pull off a tiny chin beard and wavy hair as a teenager.

The man now known as 'The Kingslayer' looked a little different when growing up in Iowa in the early 00s.


Yes, he still had long hair and a beard but they didn't quite look as good as they do now.

Chin stubble beards are, thankfully, a thing of the past.

Also See:

Image: Alexa Bliss has transformed a fair bit since her high school days.

Alexa Bliss may be one of the most successful women on the WWE roster but Alexis Kaufman, her real name, looked a little different growing up.

Her high school photo showed none of the 'wicked witch' elements we are used to today.

Image: Bayley was a huge WWE fan as a kid, she even copied the Hardy Boyz' style.

Bayley has been an avid WWE fan since childhood, so much so she'd often be pictured at a WWE signing event dressed in the merchandise of her favourite stars.

She clearly went through a Hardy Boyz stage during her teens, sporting similar hair and silver pendants.

There are plenty of other superstars captured in the video at the top of the page. It's worth a watch, even if it just makes you feel better for your teenage faux pas.
