WATCH: John Cena & Roman Reigns' war of words

By Anton Toloui, WWE Editor

Over the past few weeks, John Cena and Roman Reigns have gone head to head in a war of words and it's all leading up to tomorrow night at No Mercy

There's one reason John Cena v Roman Reigns this weekend is one of the most anticipated matches of the year and that's because you genuinely believe the two men can't stand each other.

As you can see in our video above, the pair have traded increasingly personal insults in the ring for weeks, stirring up the crowd and themselves without a punch being thrown.

WWE No Mercy

Click here to order Brock Lesnar v Braun Strowman and John Cena v Roman Reigns

The two men finally get their hands on each other at No Mercy, live on Sky Sports Box Office in the early hours of Monday morning, and you get the sense they'll enjoy inflicting pain and discomfort on each other.

Reigns has been highly critical of Cena's part-time role in WWE and has claimed he's failed to break into Hollywood, unlike his cousin Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

"You need WWE because you can't break into Hollywood. If you need help, I know a guy."
Roman Reigns to John Cena

Cena's responded by bringing up Reigns' suspension for failing a drug test last year and how the fans constantly boo him despite being the recipient of many big pushes from WWE.


Digs include Cena insisting his rival is a 'corporately created John Cena bootleg' and when Reigns has struggled to keep up with the veteran on the mic, Cena has revelled in belittling his opponent.

"At No Mercy consider me like a drug test. You ain't getting past me."
John Cena to Roman Reigns.

Reigns has pointed out what many of Cena's past rivals have said, that Cena isn't willing to lose to him, something known as 'burying' in the industry.

Also See:

Watch the video of the best bits of their verbal stand-offs above to see who has the edge going into what should be a slug-fest at No Mercy.

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