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Carl Froch has lost his spark for now... but would 'bash-up' James DeGale if they were to fight

Carl Froch.Sky Sports 2015.... Justin Downing.22.05.2015

Will Carl Froch make a comeback? The rumours are rife so the Sky Sports pundit gives us his official stance and pulls no punches... on the 'safe' side of the ropes!

Well the first thing I want to confirm is I am happily retired. For now!

There have been many boxing comebacks over the years, and sadly many of them do not have a happy ending. 

In a nutshell, there is no reason forcing me back into the ring. There are no itches left to scratch and nothing left to prove. My final fight was called 'Unfinished Business' - and I finished it.
Carl Froch

Some fighters had blinding speed and reflexes in their heyday but faded badly with age. Others suffered heavy, concussive losses and wanted to go out with a 'W'  - and worst of all, some needed the money.

My exit from the sport couldn't have been more different from the reasons above. I went out on the biggest of platforms, with a crushing victory and secured my financial future. 

Elsewhere throughout my career, I can honestly say that I've ticked every single box on a fighter's bucket list. I've won titles at home, I've won them abroad, I've defended titles abroad and lost them, and gone on to dominate my next opponent to win them back. I've boxed in every stand-out venue across the country.

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Klitschko Facebook Q&A

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Only Las Vegas remains unchecked on that list, but you know what? I was there for the biggest fight in history, Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao and as much as I enjoyed the whole trip, it all felt a little hollow. I can honestly say that I can sleep soundly despite not having fought there.

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Some retired fighters miss the sport and the limelight, but I'm lucky to still be involved in big televised fights - but from the safe side of the ropes. 

Groves suffered a devastated knockout defeat to Carl Froch last summer
Image: Unfinished Business was finished and proved Froch's last punch

In a nutshell, there is no reason forcing me back into the ring. There are no itches left to scratch and nothing left to prove. My final fight was called 'Unfinished Business' - and I finished it. 

But lately I have been asked the same questions again and again - and then news websites have run with my candid replies. 

Would I bash up James DeGale? Yes, of course I would. 

Why didn't that fight happen last year? DeGale simply hadn't done anything to command my respect at that point and I'd just smoked a guy who'd previously beaten him. 

Image: James DeGale (l) will get 'props' if he beats Lucian Bute (r)

Props to James because he's now had a good win over Andre Dirrell and is set to go to Canada to fight another one of my old victims, Lucian Bute. If DeGale does a job on Bute then he will have my respect for going into a backyard like a proper champion should do. 

If he does the business it could actually whet my appetite and I could think to myself, 'You know what? Let's have another punch-up!', but immediately my other half, Rachael, will give me a thump and tell me to carry on rubbing her feet!

Fighting is in my blood and always will be, as you can imagine, and it's only natural to have those thoughts and urges.

Working for Sky Sports is great and very satisfying. I was a big boxing fan before I turned professional but when you eat, sleep and talk about nothing else but boxing, sometimes the last thing you want to do is sit and watch several hours of it, when  it had already consumed so much of your time. 

Carl Froch and Jamie Moore
Image: Froch is happy being on the 'safe' side of the ropes on Fight Night

Now I've hung up the gloves, I've really got back into being a fan and being part of the whole Sky boxing family. I can soak up the atmosphere and build-up just like a spectator.  

Maybe being so close to the blood is keeping my hunger burning for one last punch-up? Or maybe being so close it is actually satisfying the last cravings I might have?

If I did decide to fight again it wouldn't be to rectify a defeat and it wouldn't be because I needed the money. It would be all about the big challenge, the reason to push myself to the limits once again and something to spark the desire that seems to have gone away.

For now.

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