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Prosecutor calls for lengthy sentence to be handed to Oscar Pistorius

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Oscar Pistorious will be sentenced on Tuesday and the prosecution want the minimum sentence to be 10 years' imprisonment

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel has called for a lengthy custodial sentence to be handed to Oscar Pistorius, at his sentencing hearing for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Nel argued that Pistorius should be jailed for at least 10 years and that Judge Thokozile Masipa needs to think about the message her sentence will send to society. The Prosecutor also dismissed any suggestion that Pistorius was also a victim in this case.

Pistorius' defence lawyer Barry Roux argued the disabled runner was vulnerable and anxious and should not be sent to prison but should be put under house arrest and have correctional supervision - community service.

The Paralympic athlete sobbed through parts of the final day as Mr Roux claimed the runner "lost everything" after shooting dead his girlfriend.

Judge Masipa adjourned the court in Pretoria, South Africa, until next Tuesday when she will hand down her punishment.

Pistorius could face a fine and a suspended jail sentence or up to 15 years in prison after he was found guilty of culpable homicide, the equivalent of manslaughter in the UK.