Galal Yafai will fight for an Olympic gold medal after beating Saken Bibossinov of Kazakhstan in flyweight semi-final

Team GB's boxers have earned a record six-medal haul but their hopes of bringing home a gold rest with Galal Yafai or Lauren Price

By James Dielhenn, Senior Boxing Journalist @JamesDielhenn

Image: Galal Yafai into the Olympic final

Galal Yafai can become Team GB’s first boxing gold medallist of the 2020 Olympic Games after he won an enthralling semi-final on Thursday morning.

Yafai defeated Kazakhstan's Saken Bibossinov via split decision (3-2) in a terrifically exciting fight in the men's flyweight division.

Team GB were already guaranteed a record six-medal haul but their hopes of winning a gold medal rest with Yafai or middleweight Lauren Price (whose semi-final is on Friday).

The Brit got off to the most spectacular start - on the hunt, he cracked home a thudding left hand which rocked the Kazakh back into the ropes. The referee gave a standing count and Yafai had the better of the rest of the round, too.

Yafai was setting a pace that Bibossinov was finding very difficult to match.

Image: Galal Yafai is a veteran of Rio 2016

The uppercut was an eye-catching shot from Yafai who was landing the better punches although Bibossinov's work rate edged the scorecards 3-2 in the second round.

The fight came down to the final round - it became a nail-biting battle of wills fought at close-quarters.

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Yafai was given the nod 3-2 and he reacted with joy and surprise before immediately consoling his heartbroken opponent.

This is his second Olympics - he had competed at Rio 2016, and his older brother Kal Yafai boxed at Beijing 2008.

Galal Yafai is now guaranteed a minimum of a silver medal in his final on Saturday, where he will fight Carlo Paalam of the Philippines.

GB's Pat McCormack and Ben Whittaker have already won silver.

Frazer Clarke and Karriss Artingstall have won bronze.
