Leon McKenzie "is a chip off the old block" says father Clinton

By Dev Trehan

Image: Leon McKenzie with father Clinton McKenzie (r) and uncle Duke McKenzie (l)

Former British and European champion Clinton McKenzie admits it was nostalgic watching son Leon become a champion at York Hall on Saturday night.

Ex-Premier League footballer Leon won every round in his first 10-round contest to beat Croat Ivan Stupalo and claim the vacant super-middleweight International Master's title.

What he's done is the impossible. He's won himself a title and if he never does anything else that is a massive achievement.”
Clinton McKenzie

And Clinton, who boxed Sugar Ray Leonard at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, says no matter what happens during Leon’s career, his son can be proud of what he has achieved.

“He's a chip off the old block and Leon's shown that when puts his mind to it he can do anything.” Clinton told Sky Sports.

“It's just like winning the title all over again for me. It takes me back years to when I was fighting for titles and tonight was like a dream come true.


“He really got behind his jab and that's where he won it - I almost feel like he used one hand to beat his opponent tonight.

“He won every single round and he never put a foot wrong. He won 10 rounds out of 10 and you can’t do much more than that. He boxed like a real pro.

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“Boxing is a hard sport and for him to come into boxing like this after playing football is absolutely amazing. What he's done is the impossible. He's won himself a title and if he never does anything else that is a massive achievement.”

It was just Leon’s seventh fight, having turned professional in 2013 after bringing the curtain down on his 18-year playing career.

“I visualised this moment from when I was a kid,” a tearful McKenzie said in his dressing room post-fight.

“My dad really believed in me. Honestly, I'm probably going to have a cry later. My kids are here, my daughter was in tears after the fight and I'm just so overwhelmed because I really wanted this.

“Anything else I do in boxing from this day onwards is just a bonus. I’m still growing, there’s so much more come from me and I’m going to keep working on that jab. I'm going to look at a Southern Area title fight next and then go from there.”
