Sky's the limit, Ricky

Image: Hatton: golden boy

We asked the great and the good of Sky Sports how they think Ricky Hatton will do on Saturday...

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It's not just British boxing that is behind Ricky Hatton... everyone is talking about his face-off with Floyd Mayweather. Messages of support have been pouring in from the likes of Wayne Rooney and John Terry from the world of football, while the stars of TV and film are expected ringside at the MGM. So, in keeping with the theme, we took ourselves out and about in Sky Sports -and beyond - to speak to the great and good from outside the boxing world. And we found that to a man - and woman - that the sporting world is indeed rooting for our Ricky. Except of course, our resident American...

Chris Kamara - Goals on Sunday

Ricky's going to knock him out or stop him by about the sixth round. You'll get your money's worth because he's in such fantastic form, he's hungry and his desire is brilliant. I've spoken to him a few times on the phone and he keeps telling me about his will to be the best pound-for-pound boxer in the world. He wants those words ringing in his ears straight after the fight. I'll be watching it at Sky HQ. I get in early anyway to present Goals On Sunday, so it's no problem for me coming in half-an-hour earlier to watch him win.

Keith Arthur - Tight Lines

If this fight goes beyond round four I believe that Ricky Hatton will prevail. His strength-sapping bodypunches will bring down Mayweather's guard and Hatton's all-action attack could well swarm all over an opponent whose style depends so much on movement and speed. However, those first four rounds will be crucial for Hatton, especially from a cuts perspective - because we all know how he has suffered in the past. My verdict is a split decision for Hatton; if a split eyebrow doesn't get there first!

Martin Tyler - Super Sunday

I'll probably be sleeping ahead of my commentary on the Sunday, because I'll need to be on my toes, but I'll certainly be very interested. I'll be supporting Ricky as much as you can from such a distance simply because whenever we see him at Manchester City you can tell he's such a football fan, so everyone involved in football should get right behind him. I've never met him, but would certainly enjoy it I'm sure and although I know nothing about Floyd Mayweather or boxing compared to others, I am happy in my ignorance to go with Ricky here. He seems to have had a terrific career and if the other experts think he has got a chance, then I am happy to go along with it. He strikes me as a very good champion.

Georgie Thompson - A1GP

Hatton will need to box the fight of his life to take down Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather but if he can hold out and go the distance, I'll go for Ricky to win on points. If he does that he can celebrate with as many pints and pies as he likes! This one has to worth the early morning alarm call. If one event this year can live up to the hype it has to be this one. We just have to hope that the fighting talk coming out of Floyd Mayweather's mouth this week can't be transferred to his fists as easily as it flows from his lips. Ricky has once again been the modest man he always is going into the bout. His silence speaks volumes.

Kevin Cadle - NFL

I've got to go with my man from across the water. I don't study the game that much but I like what I see from Floyd Mayweather. I like the brashness that he has; he has got a lot of front, but he backs it up. I like what he brings to the party. He is going to win this.

Charlie Nicholas - Soccer Saturday

I've been a big boxing fan since the Jim Watt days. This is the biggest fight for ages and we've been waiting for a long time to see a Brit take on the top man in America. It's a conflict of personalities and it's been wonderful to watch the build-up. I genuinely think Ricky Hatton has a great chance of winning. Mayweather reminds me so much of the old-style, quick, skilful, dancing boxers which I love to see, but Hatton has such a focus. Hatton will appreciate that Mayweather has more talent, but the best talent doesn't always win - we see that in football a lot. This guy has the talent to win, but Ricky could knock him out, absolutely. A lot of the British fighters flatter to deceive and then suddenly a good one comes along and can't hack it with the big guys. I'll be watching at home with a nice glass of bubbles cheering on Hatton - who will stop Mayweather.

Phil Clarke - Rugby League

I've got to say I am by no means a boxing expert, but I was at the MGM Grand for Mike Tyson v Evander Holyfield and the ear-biting back in 1997. I was out there for a world conference on strength and conditioning in sport and saw Tom Jones on the Friday and managed to get tickets to the boxing on the Saturday! I have to say it was the most exciting and thrilling sporting event I have ever been at and if the atmosphere is anywhere near that, it will be tremendous and well worth tuning in for. I know Ricky is close to a few of the rugby league boys and I will always back a Brit, so I am going for the Hitman on points. I know his fitness is first-class and I just wonder whether moving up and down through the weight divisions will catch up with Mayweather.

Ewen Murray - Golf

In South Africa, a long way from Las Vegas, I'm sitting with Darren Clarke, Ross Fisher and Anton Haig. They are keen boxing fans and they would love to see Hatton win, but say that he will have to produce a 100 per cent performance. I think Ricky's preparation has been faultless and with neither boxer having suffered defeat it will be tight. Mayweather talks a good fight for obvious reasons, but he has never before been seriously hit. Hatton will do that, and it's how Mayweather reacts that will determine the outcome. I'm going for a Hatton win, and then a huge re-match. It's Hatton in seven this time round.

Miles Harrison - Rugby union

I watch the big fights in boxing and I will be tuning in to watch this one too.I think Ricky Hatton can do anything. My knowledge of boxing is not what it should be; certainly in terms of the depth that others have, but having watched Ricky fight I think he is one of the most professional guys out there. And he is so normal with it; so dedicated, so switched-on and so level-headed. He knows what he can do and knows what he can't do. Whenever I watch him I have always had faith in him; that he can get the job done. Something very special could happen for him in Las Vegas and I really hope it does, I really do.

Helen Chamberlain - Soccer AM

I am so SO excited about this fight! The build-up to it has been absolutely brilliant I normally try to stay awake for all the top late night fights only to fall asleep during one of the undercards, but this time I'm doing some serious planning to get some sleep first and set the alarm. I'll also be looking out for all the freeloaders ringside, like Paddy McGuiness and Kirk off Coronation Street who've been on our show recently telling us how they managed to get tickets off the Hitman. Ricky's been on the Soccer AM sofa loads of times himself, and is such a nice genuine bloke I hope he stoves Mayweather's bonce in to shut him up. I think it might go all the way though, I think Ricky will start well, then Mayweather will give him a few scary moments, but the belt will be coming home to Manchester with the Hatton posse.

Matt Le Tissier - Soccer Saturday

Boxing's not my game really, but I might possibly tune in for this one. I want Ricky Hatton to win because I haven't particularly enjoyed Floyd Mayweather's press conferences. He has come across as a bit of an idiot and I'd really like Ricky Hatton to smash his face in. The annoying American won't come out on top this time and I'm going for Ricky.

David Lloyd - Cricket

I'm a massive Hatton fan! I'm not sure that we'll get the fight out here in Sri Lanka, but I'm hoping that we will. I'd like to think that we'll get a snatch of it somewhere. Ricky Hatton in my neck of the woods is a real people's man. In a sport that is razzmatazz he gives real value for money. There's two boxers that I've really taken to - one's Chris Eubank and the other is Hatton. He's got a very tough opponent but I think he'll win. His desire, his ambition and his honesty will get him through. I've never met the bloke but I'd love to meet him. There's two people I'd love to meet: Keith Richards and Ricky Hatton. I wouldn't want to see those two fight though, they'd only be one winner there, Ricky would blow Richards over!

Phil Thompson - Soccer Saturday

I like my boxing and I will certainly be tuning in to the fight. Ricky Hatton is one of those guys that you warm to. As good a boxer as he is he's got a lot of humility and a like that in a sportsman. He's down to earth, knows his roots, has never ever lost that and I appreciate that. It makes you want him to win more than anything. I've never known backing for a fighter like this in my life. The people who want to go over to Vegas and watch this fight is incredible. Even if they can't get tickets they want to be there to cheer him on. It's incredible. But that is because of the man, not the boxer in him, the man himself. He'll win.

Andy Goldstein - Soccer AM

I won't be watching it live - even if my brother was fighting at that time of day I wouldn't get up. But I have Sky-plussed it already (and all the repeats) and have got four mates coming round at 10am for a Ricky Hatton fry-up and to watch the fight. I am a boxing fan and I really do think Ricky is going to win. I can see him flooring Mayweather in something like the seventh with those bodypunches. I think Floyd has definitely got dodgy hands; watch him train and he barely hits the bag or the pads, so I just think Ricky will be too powerful for him. He is a friend of the show and it would be great, when he gets back, to get him on the orange sofas as the champion and the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world.

Mark Roe - Golf Night

I will be setting the alarm and watching live. Can he win? What a horrible question to be asked. I think it will be one of the greatest victories by a British boxer ever if he does beat Mayweather. I have Mayweather as the favourite in my mind but is Ricky definitely the favourite in my heart. Ricky has the biggest heart I have ever seen and he is not going to lie down. It will be a brutal, bruising encounter and although I have Mayweather as a slight favourite there won't be one per cent of me supporting him.

Andy Gray - Football

I shall certainly be up in the wee hours of the early morning watching this one. I think Ricky Hatton can beat Mayweather. Don't get me wrong I know Mayweather is a class act - you don't win five titles at different weights if you are not a class act - but he will not have come across anyone like Ricky Hatton. I think Ricky can do it. I will be watching eagerly in my bed with a cuppa tea.