Black Lives Matter: PCA to promote more diversity and equality

A working group and a review of ECB code of conduct on their agenda

Image: Mark Butcher took part in a PCA panel discussion on the issue of racism in cricket

The Professional Cricketers' Association is exploring ways to encourage more diversity and equality within the game following Black Lives Matter protests across the globe.

The movement has led to questions being asked about BAME representation across sport with cricket also not immune to accusations of systemic racism.

Following a panel discussion led by David Fulton, featuring Mark Butcher, Michael Carberry, Isa Guha and Dean Headley, the PCA is now exploring the option of creating a working group to tackle the issue.

Former England cricketer Mark Butcher says a situation in which you don't have black coaches and administrators is perpetuated because their voices are not heard, making change difficult and opportunities scarce

A statement on the issue said: "This is a time not just to listen but to act and to deliver change.

"The PCA is listening to concerns expressed by its own members. It has reached out and spoken to all current black players in order to gain a greater understanding of the issues they face, to learn from their experiences, and to see what their players' association can do to support them and future generations of professional cricketers in England and Wales.


"The Black Lives Matter movement has placed emphasis on equality for black people and it has reinforced the need for greater inclusion across all communities within professional cricket.

"The PCA is now in the process of forming a working group of PCA members to lead our response and to help shape a stronger policy in regards to equality and diversity in the game."

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The PCA also want to help develop best educational practice and has urged the ECB to work with them to review codes of conduct and "establish further appropriate measures, to ensure everyone in professional cricket is held accountable for any form of racist or discriminatory conduct."
