Gary Ballance apologises to Azeem Rafiq for racist language used while at Yorkshire Cricket Club

Gary Ballance: "I did use unacceptable - at times, racist - language. If I had realised how much this hurt Azeem, I would have stopped immediately"; Azeem Rafiq praises Ballance's "courage", adding his former team-mate is "now part of the solution"

Image: Gary Ballance last played in a competitive game for Yorkshire in September of 2021

Gary Ballance has apologised to Azeem Rafiq for racist language he used against his former Yorkshire colleague.

The 32-year-old admitted to using a racial slur against Rafiq in a lengthy statement back in November and has now apologised in person during a meeting with Rafiq in London this week.

Ballance last played for Yorkshire in September. He was charged by the ECB in June of this year for bringing the game into disrepute, along with six other individuals and the club itself following Rafiq's initial allegations of racism and harassment levelled at the club.

Sky Sports' Michael Atherton looks at the timeline of events that unfolded in the Yorkshire County Cricket Club racism scandal.

Ballance played 23 Tests and 16 one-day internationals for England between 2013 and 2017. In May, he announced he was to take a break from cricket for "personal reasons".

"I have wanted to meet Azeem in person for quite some time, but I had to make sure I was in a good place when I did so," Ballance said.

"Azeem has been through similar mental health challenges and understands why this has taken me a little time.

"I apologise unreservedly to Azeem for the words I used when we played together.

"I did use unacceptable - at times, racist - language. If I had realised how much this hurt Azeem, I would have stopped immediately.

"That's why I wanted to meet him this week and be clear in person that I intended no malice. That's not an excuse, I realise that the language I used was wrong.

"I have accepted, from the outset, the words I used were wrong and I hope this statement brings Azeem some comfort.

"There is no place in our sport for this behaviour and I am determined to play my part in ridding the game from racism and make it more inclusive. To do this we all need to be honest and learn from our past mistakes."

'Courageous Ballance now part of solution'

Rafiq said of his meeting with Ballance: "From day one of opening up about my experiences, all I ever wanted was acceptance and apologies for what happened.

"Gary has been brave to admit the truth and I understand why the mental strain has made it difficult for him to make this apology any sooner. Gary must be applauded for his honesty and unreserved apology and must now be allowed to get on with his life.

"Gary got things wrong, so did many people. The main issue is cricket's institutional racism. Gary's courage means he is now part of the solution.

"I would like to thank Gary. He has done cricket and the fight against racism a great service with these words."

Yorkshire County Cricket Club later released a statement stating they were "delighted" Ballance and Rafiq had cleared the air.

"Gary's contrition is admirable and marks a big step forward for the sport and the club," the statement read.

"Azeem is right to say that Gary must now be allowed to continue with his career.

"We will undoubtedly support Gary in all he does, and we hope to see many more runs flow from his bat for Yorkshire."