Silverstone test, day two: Kimi Raikkonen sets pace for Ferrari

Finn's time 0.2s quicker than his British GP Q3 effort; Ocon led the way on long runs for Mercedes and finishes second

By Matt Morlidge at Silverstone

Kimi Raikkonen closed the final in-season test of 2016 on top of the timesheets after displaying strong one-lap pace for Ferrari at Silverstone.

Taking over from Charles Leclerc at the helm of the SF16-H, the Finn set the fastest time of the two-day programme, a 1:30.665 on the soft tyre following an afternoon shower.

Esteban Ocon, filling in for Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton at Mercedes, held the lead for the majority of the day and impressed on his long stints but Raikkonen's best effort was eventually 0.6s quicker. The 36-year-old's time was also two tenths faster than the Q3 run that saw him qualify sixth at the British GP.

"The Finn worked on a programme that centred on set-up work, aerodynamic testing and short runs," said Ferrari.

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Red Bull abandoned plans to fit the Halo for a second day but Pierre Gasly did clock up many more laps on day two and finished third, while Force India youngster Nikita Mazepin, a place back, also took advantage of the drying track on the supersofts. Stoffel Vandoorne, on the back of Fernando Alonso's fastest time on day one, was fifth for McLaren.

Raikkonen pipped him at the end but Ocon, a reserve for Renault this year but contracted to Mercedes in the long term, completed 139 laps, by far the most of the day.

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"The two teams are amazing to work with," the Frenchman, currently in DTM, told Sky Sports News HQ. "They're world champions, both of them, so I'm thankful for the opportunity they give me and it's great for my development.

Williams race regular Valtteri Bottas was focusing on longer runs for most of the day before rising to sixth when fitted with the radical double-decker rear wing, last seen in the previous test at Barcelona - though he was two seconds off the leader.

Jolyon Palmer and Pascal Wehrlein were also in action at Silverstone, with the Renault driver leading the field through the morning session before slipping down the timesheet. Wehrlein, meanwhile, was again testing 2017 Pirelli tyre compounds and materials in the 2014 Mercedes car and propped up the leaderboard.

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His place at Manor was taken by Jordan King, on a high after back-to-back GP2 victories. The Brit's second taste of testing in the MRT05 resulted in a 10th-placed finish.

Santino Ferrucci continued his Haas test for a second day and finished seventh, two seconds shy of the leader, while fellow F1 rookie Sergio Sette Camara had his first experience in the Toro Rosso in ninth. There were no red flags on day two, though the 18-year-old Brazilian very nearly span into the wall on the pit-straight.

After the final in-season test of 2016, teams will now prepare for consecutive grands prix in Hungary and Germany before the summer break.

Silverstone in-season test, day two timesheet

1. Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari, 1:30.665, 103 laps

2. Esteban Ocon, Mercedes, 1:31.212, 139 laps

3. Pierre Gasly, Red Bull, 1:31.429, 103 laps

4. Nikita Mazepin, Force India, 1:31.561, 69 laps

5. Stoffel Vandoorne, McLaren, 1:31.764, 114 laps

6. Valtteri Bottas, Williams, 1:32.423, 98 laps

7. Santino Ferrucci, Haas, 1:33.141, 107 laps

8. Jolyon Palmer, Renault, 1:33.470, 98 laps

9. Sergio Sette Camara, Toro Rosso, 1:34.040, 82 laps

10. Jordan King, Manor, 1:36.182, 70 laps

11. Pascal Wehrlein, Pirelli test, 1:36.182, 128 laps

Watch every session of the Hungarian Grand Prix live on Sky Sports F1 from July 22-24.
