Mexican GP: Haas' Kevin Magnussen passes Saturday fitness test

Doctors given Magnussen clean bill of health after early Friday exit

By James Galloway in Mexico City

Kevin Magnussen has been given the green light by doctors to continue in the Mexican GP after feeling unwell on Friday.

The Haas driver was given dispensation by the stewards to miss the Friday night drivers' briefing, with the Dane returning to his hotel in Mexico City to recuperate.

He returned to the circuit on Saturday morning for a medical check-up and was passed fit to take part in the remainder of the weekend.

The team tweeted:

On a difficult opening day for Haas in Mexico City, Magnussen finished 17th fastest in Practice Two, while team-mate Romain Grosjean was slowest of all after a spin triggered a puncture.

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Ted Kravitz gives his advice on where to go and what to see in Mexico this weekend, supported by FairFX - Sky Sports F1 sponsor.

Haas would have called on Antonio Giovinazzi to fill in for Magnussen had the Dane not been deemed fit, with the Italian having driven during P1 in place of Grosjean.
