Lewis Hamilton: Sharing of COVID-19 vaccine trials post 'totally my fault'

"I hadn't actually seen the comment attached so that is totally my fault and I have a lot of respect for the charity work Bill Gates does"

Lewis Hamilton has clarified his sharing of a post on social media regarding coronavirus vaccine trials, saying the repost was "totally my fault".

The F1 world champion shared on his Instagram Story a post from Andrew Bachelor, known as King Bach, which was of an interview with Microsoft co-founder and US philanthropist Bill Gates about the status of trials to find a vaccine for COVID-19.

Bachelor's post included the caption: "I remember when I told my first lie."

Hamilton has since deleted the repost from his account, which has 18m followers, and said in a statement on the same platform: "I've noticed some comments on my earlier post around the coronavirus vaccine, and wanted to clarify my thoughts on it, as I understand why they might have been misinterpreted.

"First, I hadn't actually seen the comment attached so that is totally my fault and I have a lot of respect for the charity work Bill Gates does.


"I also want to be clear that I'm not against a vaccine and no doubt it will be important in the fight against coronavirus, and I'm hopeful for its development to help save lives.

"However after watching the video, I felt it showed that there is still a lot of uncertainty about the side effects most importantly and how it is going to be funded.

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"I may not always get my posting right, I'm only human but I'm learning as we go. Sending you positivity."

Hamilton has regularly urged his millions of followers on social media to respect and adhere to guidelines in the fight against COVID-19.
