WATCH: Nico Rosberg throws cap back at Lewis Hamilton

Rosberg later criticises Mercedes team-mate's first-corner aggression after they touched wheels at the start of US GP

After winning the US Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton throws Nico Rosberg's podium hat to him, only for Nico to throw it right back

Watch as Nico Rosberg throws his podium cap back at Lewis Hamilton after the Englishman secured his third title with victory in the US GP.

Having congratulated his team-mate with a handshake in the holding room where the top three-finishing drivers assemble before going on to the podium, a disconsolate Rosberg threw back the baseball cap which Hamilton had tossed to him.

Rosberg later described the incident as "just our typical games" to Sky Sports News HQ.

In the post-race press conference Nico Rosberg was upset with teammate Lewis Hamilton, and said his move into turn one was extremely aggressive and wasn't

The two Mercedes drivers had earlier clashed at the start of a dramatic US GP when their Mercedes cars made contact at the first corner. 

"It was extremely aggressive," complained Rosberg. "We hit each other - or Lewis came into me."


"I was ahead and I had a right to the track there and Lewis just was too aggressive today. One step too far and that is not okay."

Mercedes teammates Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg come close to clashing into turn one of the US Grand Prix at the start of the race

After battling back into the lead, Rosberg then surrendered the race by running wide in the closing stages, allowing Hamilton through for victory and the third title of his F1 career.

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"It's tough to lose the lead like that and to lose the win," admitted a forlorn Rosberg.

"To nearly spin off like that by myself coming out of a corner is just weird. I think the tyres were still a little bit cold maybe, but I just don't understand it. So that was really disappointing at the time, because the race was mine."

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