Hamilton admits to 'distractions'

Image: Hamilton: Wants to focus more on F1

Lewis Hamilton has vowed to "live and breathe Formula One" next year after what has proved a disappointing 2011 season to date.

McLaren star wants to "live and breathe" F1 in 2012

Lewis Hamilton has vowed to "live and breathe Formula One" next year after admitting that he has at times been distracted during McLaren's 2011 campaign. The 2008 world champion has scored two wins this season but the perception has still been that it has been a disappointing one, with a number of on-track misdemeanours coming under scrutiny. The suggestion from Hamilton was that he has failed to give the sport the full attention it requires to be successful, and that perhaps outside influences have proven a distraction. In light of his recent break-up with girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger, it seems as though Hamilton's focus has switched to what is important to him if he is to win a second title. Hamilton was typically forthright when giving a self-assessment in the wake of Saturday's qualifying session for the inaugural Indian Grand Prix. He set the second fastest time behind Sebastian Vettel, who secured his 13th pole this season, but will start fifth after being penalised on Friday for failing to slow down for yellow warning flags. That was his sixth penalty of a season he knows cannot be repeated, with far too many trips to see the stewards for the liking of the McLaren star. "It's not been the best of seasons for me, lots of ups and downs," said Hamilton. "With the car we would have hoped to have had more consistent pace. "But the team has done a fantastic job to get us where we are, the second fastest team, able to split the Red Bulls, and no-one else has been able to do that. "Martin (team principal Whitmarsh) has been very kind with his words when he says the team has under-performed. "But I speak for myself (when I say) my driving, for me, has been the biggest hazard. "I can improve, which is what I'm working towards for next year, and staying out of the stewards' office is also a very big goal, top of my priorities for next year."


Then came the claim from Hamilton that he has not been fully focused this year, but that he now knows what he has to do for 2012. "Life is like a puzzle, you just have to get things in place," added Hamilton. "Formula One is a massively competitive sport where you have to have clear thoughts, to live and breathe Formula One. There is no room for anything else. "So I plan to eliminate everything in my life - not my family or anything like that - but anything that can be a distraction. "That will be a start, and the rest will be just doing what I'm doing. "My qualifying has been pretty good. Generally I'm quite happy with my qualifying pace, particularly in the last couple of races, but generally through the year I feel it's been quite good. "And the other one is in the race, just staying out of trouble, and that is something I'm working on. "The last race was a good stepping stone, so let's hope I continue on that path."