Exclusive Q&A: Daniel Ricciardo

Red Bull's high-flying Aussie answered your questions in Germany

By Mike Wise

Remember when we asked you to send in your questions for Daniel Ricciardo last week? Well Red Bull's high-flying young Aussie answered a selection of them at Hockenheim.

What other indoor or outdoor sport activities do you like to do when you are not racing for one of the best Formula 1 teams of all times? Regards, Alvaro Montenegro Miami, FL, USA
Daniel Ricciardo: “What do I love? I love mountain-biking, or any form of bikes, like dirt bikes; I love getting out there, although obviously I have to be careful. I do a bit of Brazilian ju-jitsu when I can, I like a bit of that.

“I love all sports – tennis as well – there’s a few.”

Do you think that your race win in Canada will be the only race win for your team this year? Michael Marsh
DR: “I hope not, but (sounding a bit resigned) yeah….let’s just say I hope not!”

What was it like going from a midfield team (Toro Rosso) to a team that has won the constructors’ and drivers’ championship for the past four years (Red Bull)? Kind regards, Aron Lomax, Coventry
DR: “It’s good. There’s a bit more pressure but it’s a good pressure. The team expect to do well, they expect to win and that just makes me hungrier to do it as well. It’s a different mentality.”


Would you like to enter Pikes Peak and better Sebastian Loeb's time? Chris Christon
DR: “That would be awesome. Whether I could better his time I’m not sure (grinning) but that would be awesome. I’ve seen the on-board and it looks like a lot of fun.”

What is your favourite thing about flying to every grand prix? What do you like and miss about Australia the most? Thanks, Caity (Caitlin Robson)
DR: “My favourite thing about flying to the grands prix? I guess it’s a question about travel really…to have some time without emails and my phone; flying is a bit of quiet time, time to catch up on life. Movies – I like movies a lot – so that’s probably the good thing about flying.

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“And what I miss most about Australia? When I was living in England for about five years, it was the weather and the beaches and the sea. In Monaco, I’ve got a bit of that back now but that was the one thing I missed a lot. And breakfast…breakfast along the beach in Australia is just awesome.”

G'day Dan, Do you feel that Mark Webber and yourself have begun to awaken Aussie talent to take on the European scene? #Aussiepride Thanks, Nathan (@gommo89)
DR: “Yeah I think so. I mean, Mark was obviously a bit of a role model for me really, showing that it can be possible. Hopefully, now I’m the next generation coming through and hopefully I can influence some young Aussies to really try and give it a crack in Europe.”

When was the first time that you realised you were in with a good chance of beating Vettel this year? Miles Graham
DR: “We didn’t do much testing so I suppose it was more in Australia; in free practice I seemed to be there or thereabouts. It was nice. Deep down, I knew he wouldn’t be a second faster – I knew I had some speed – and it was just nice to convert that. In Australia it built up nicely.”

G'day Daniel, Which track in Germany you like more, Nurburgring or Hockenheim? Leslie from Armadale, Western Australia
DR: “Armadale, oh yeah? Hmmmm, I don’t really know. Maybe Nurburgring but they’ve both got good and not so good parts. I would rate them both the same.”

Would you like to have raced on the old Hockenheim and Nurburgring?
DR: “Yes. The old Nordschleife definitely. That takes the cake.”

Hi Dan, I am an Aussie, and was just wondering Holden or Ford? Jason Kay
DR: (immediately) “Holden.”

Any reason why? Or will Jason know why?
DR: “He’ll know.” (laughs)

What physical requirements are needed to drive an F1 car? How does your body cope with all the G forces? From what I've heard most people would throw up if they drove in an F1 car. Patrick Fries Canada
DR: “It’s not far off. Our bodies grow into it through the junior categories, through karting and Formula 3 and all the rest, so we’re able to adapt a bit. In Formula 1, you need a great level of endurance because the races are long, so you need a pretty good base endurance.

“Neck and core strength is really the key – neck in particular. It does throw you around; if you’ve ever done anything physical with your neck, it’s a terrible thing if you lose the strength in it. If you ever get a tired neck doing something training-wise, it’s just hard to recover it.

“If you lose your breath you can get it back. But when your neck goes, it goes. That’s the toughest thing I think.”

Do you ever get angry? Chaturbhuj Rajendran
DR: “I get angry. On the track, obviously I don’t like losing but off track…there was something the other day which got me angry. What was it? (Thinking)…traffic for the wrong reasons, that gets me angry. People driving in the fast lane who aren’t overtaking, that annoys me.

“You don’t need to be speeding, but if you’re just sitting there cruising…get over!”

(Suddenly thinks of another) “…and if you’re lining up somewhere and people stand right behind you, like, breathing down your neck when it doesn’t make any difference if they’re one foot behind or (points further away)…there.

“That make me angry, if someone’s like (demonstrates blatant act of invading another’s personal space).”

During the season, I’m sure that Sebastian and yourself have at some point compared the telemetry data from each of your cars. Where are you finding the time compared to Sebastian? Is it under braking, corner entry, throttle response etc? Do you think you would still be quicker if last year’s cars were used? Thanks Dan from Chris Irwin in N. Ireland
DR: “Firstly, top o’ the morning to ya! There hasn’t been a massive trend yet; I really enjoy high-speed corners, so if anything I’d like to think that’s maybe a stronger area. It sort of varies between tracks, but yeah I do enjoy the high-speed stuff. That’s one area which I like to pride myself on.

“If last year’s cars were used? I don’t know. I like to think I’d still be competitive but it’s hard to know how it would be…(smiles) I’d like to think so.”

Hi Dan! Do you think you can maintain your third position in the Drivers' Championship this year, and if not, who do you see as your biggest rival for the spot as 'best of the rest'? Thanks Kirsty Wombwell
DR: “I think I can keep it. Biggest rival? It’s been a bit up and down. I mean, obviously there’s Vettel, there’s been Alonso, who’s sort of been there but Ferrari seem a bit ‘hot cold’. Bottas now has had a run of a few good races.

“I don’t know, but I think I can keep it. I don’t have to worry about the other guys (steely glint in his eye)…I’ll have them covered.”

Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo unsuccessfully tries to raise a smile from Race Engineer Simon Rennie with some dance moves.

I have a few questions to ask-
1. Who has the best sense of humour in the paddock?
2. What's been the craziest thing a fan has done?
3. Would you ever want to try another motorsport?
4. What do you talk about with Seb?
Best of luck for the rest of the season! Emily Jackson

DR: “Me!”

DR: “I signed a dog collar. Someone gave me their dog – a live dog – and I signed its collar. When they handed me the dog, I didn’t know what to do. That was weird.”

DR: “Yes. I’d love to try two wheels. I have a big obsession with two wheels, so MotoGP would be awesome but even off-road as well – dirt bikes, motocross – that would be fun.”

DR: “The price of fuel? (laughs) Actually, we speak a bit. What do we talk about? Oh…hiking. He talks to me a bit about hiking; he really enjoys hiking. That’s one thing.”

And now you enjoy hiking yourself?
DR: “I haven’t really taken up much more of it but he’s told me about some cool adventures he’s been on, so it sounds interesting.”

Hi, what song gets you going before the race? Regards, Chris Finlayson
DR: (exhales) “Oh….there’s a few. One which is quite regular on my playlist on a Sunday is by Under Oath and the song is called ‘It’s Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door’. There’s many but that’s one. They’re pretty hardcore, like post-hardcore.”

So you’re into punk rock?
DR: “Yeah but not really the old school. I’m more a new-school kid…I’m down with the kids!”

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