What is Football Whispers? Unique transfer algorithm explained

Football Whispers is the world's first football transfer predictor.

Built by football fans for football fans, it shows you who's really moving and who's staying put; all with their unique index.

Together with the help of some of the world's finest minds from the University of Sheffield Department of Computer Science, Football Whispers have developed a unique algorithm to take all of the transfer rumours from across the globe and calculate the likelihood of them happening.

How does it all work?

Like most algorithms there are plenty of elements taken into account when calculating the eventual score for each Whisper.


However, whilst they all play their part there are three primary elements that carry the most weight:

  • Volume of Whispers - the number of blogs, articles, posts and tweets across the internet talking about a specific transfer rumour. The more the merrier, as the more people there are talking about it the higher the rating is.
  • Authority of Sources - whether its Dave from down the pub or Jim White himself, the Football Whispers algorithm factors in how reliable and reputable the people talking about the transfer rumours are. The more reliable the source, the higher the score.
  • Recency of Whisper - the more recent the chatter around a rumour, the hotter it is.

Based on a combination of the above and a few other, smaller factors the algorithm takes shape in the form of the Football Whispers Index - a score out of 5.0 with the hottest Whispers closest to 5.0.

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On top of all of this, the unique algorithm is constantly evolving so that over time it begins to pick up and understand the subtle differences between what really is just a rumour and what's a certain bet to go through.

Whether you're looking for a specific rumour regarding a player, all the players linked to your club or even which manager is most likely to fill a vacancy, Football Whispers has it all.
