Jose Mourinho says financial documents 'prove I have done nothing wrong'

Image: Jose Mourinho watched his side draw 1-1 at Goodison Park on Sunday

Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho has dismissed the idea that he may be involved in any kind of financial impropriety.

Mourinho says he has filed all the relevant documents and they prove he has "nothing to hide".

It is alleged that the United manager's advisers may have helped him move large sums of money to Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands in order to avoid paying tax on earnings from the use of his image rights for product endorsement.

The football agency which represents Mourinho has strongly denied the claims.

Speaking after Sunday's 1-1 draw at Everton, Mourinho himself said the allegations were baseless.


"I have lodged the documents in Italy, Spain and England," he said. "I have nothing to hide. They prove that I have done nothing wrong."

Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo is also alleged to have moved money to a 'tax haven'.

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But football agency Football agency Gestifute, which represents Mourinho and Ronaldo, has refuted the claims regarding the duo.

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"Both Cristiano Ronaldo and Jose Mourinho are fully compliant with their tax obligations with the Spanish and British tax authorities," said the agency in a statement.

"Neither Cristiano Ronaldo nor Jose Mourinho have ever been involved in legal proceedings regarding the commission of a tax offence

"Any insinuation or accusation made to Cristiano Ronaldo or Jose Mourinho over the commission of a tax offence will be reported to the legal authorities and prosecuted."