Ole Gunnar Solskjaer can give Manchester United their identity back, says Rene Meulensteen

By Andrew Dickson

Former Manchester United first team coach Rene Meulensteen says Mauricio Pochettino would be a good choice to be the club's next permanent manager.

Rene Meulensteen has backed Manchester United's appointment of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as caretaker manager and believes he can give fans something to identify themselves with.

The club's former striker has been confirmed as Jose Mourinho's temporary replacement until the end of the season, when he will then return to his previous position as manager of Norwegian side Molde.

Solskjaer will be assisted by Mike Phelan, who previously worked at Old Trafford under Sir Alex Ferguson, with Michael Carrick and Kieran McKenna remaining on the coaching staff.

Meulensteen - himself a first-team coach during Ferguson's tenure - expects a more positive outlook for a United team which is currently closer to the relegation zone than the top of the table.

He told Sky Sports News: "It's a good choice in terms of the fact they want to bring back some of the spirit that was at United at the time when Sir Alex Ferguson was there.

Image: Mike Phelan, pictured here during his time in charge of Hull, brings more than 20 years of coaching experience in his role as Solskjaer's assistant

"Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was a big part of that so in that respect, I can understand that when they were looking for a candidate that they wanted someone who can live up to those expectations.

"It's a big task for everybody but I think, for the short term, it is a good choice to make. It will go down well with the fans.

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"They want some identity back and something they can associate themselves with. I'm sure both Ole and Mike are very capable of bringing the smiles back on the faces of Manchester United."

Solskjaer had been in his second spell as manager at Molde, having previously been in charge from 2011 to 2014 then returned in 2015 after an unsuccessful eight-month stay at Cardiff.

Image: Meulensteen was a first-team coach at United for six years under Sir Alex Ferguson

Although some have questioned his lack of touchline experience at the highest level, Meulensteen thinks that will be offset by Phelan, himself a coach since 1995.

"It'll be massive," he added. "Mike has been with the club for a long, long time - again as a player then later on as a coach and an assistant manager.

"He will be really important to help Ole to steady the ship and, more importantly, to get smiles back on the faces of the players and bring the best out of them."

For the longer term, United have yet to announce their plans - but Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino is among the favourites.

Image: Meulensteen believes Mauricio Pochettino has the pedigree required to manage United on a long-term basis

Meulensteen thinks he has a lot of the attributes required at Old Trafford and said: "A lot has been said about Pochettino being a great candidate and I agree with that.

"He's got a pedigree in terms of knowing what the Premier League is about. He plays an attractive style of football, he brings a lot of young players through - he ticks a lot of boxes.

"Again, it is a matter of being able to manage a club the size of Manchester United on and off the pitch but if they were able to get somebody like Pochettino I think it would be a good choice."

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