Jose Mourinho will soon be in work, says Middlesbrough's Aitor Karanka

By Allan Valente

Image: Aitor Karanka with his former boss Jose Mourinho

Aitor Karanka says old friend Jose Mourinho is the best manager in the world and is confident he will be back in the dugout soon.

Mourinho has been out of work since parting company with Chelsea in December, but has been repeatedly linked with the Manchester United job currently occupied by Louis van Gaal.

Inter Milan director Bedy Moratti - sister of former club president Massimo Moratti - said Mourinho was "going to Manchester" after a meal with the Portuguese last week.

Image: Louis van Gaal and Mourinho on opposite sides

And Middlesbrough head coach Karanka, who served as Mourinho's assistant at Real Madrid, is convinced he will be back in management sooner rather than later.

"I can be concerned with a coach who has been sacked one or two months ago and he doesn't have a team now and he isn't going to have a team," the Spaniard said.

Mourinho will manage Manchester United, according to an Inter director

"But Jose, I don't think he has problems to take a team next season.

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"When I speak with him, I don't speak anything about his future because I know he is going to be working because he is the best."
