Joelinton: Newcastle midfielder handed 12-month driving ban and £29k fine after admitting drink-driving

Joelinton was stopped by police in Newcastle around 1.20am on January 12; the Newcastle player failed a breath test and admitted drink-driving; Brazilian must pay a £29,000 fine; 12-month driving ban will be reduced to nine months if he completes a rehabilitation course

Image: Joelinton is a regular in the Newcastle side that lie third in the Premier League

Newcastle's Joelinton has been fined £29,000 and banned from driving for 12 months after admitting drink-driving.

The 26-year-old was stopped by police, who spotted his 2022-plate Mercedes on Ponteland Road, Newcastle, at around 1.20am on January 12.

Joelionton failed a breath test, which showed he had 43mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

District Judge Paul Currer calculated the fine based on documents which showed the Brazilian's weekly wage is £43,000.

Joelinton's ban will be reduced to nine months if he completes a rehabilitation course. He must also pay a £2,000 surcharge and £85 costs.

Jonathan Stirland, prosecuting, said officers spotted his car driving at speed and requested the driver to stop.

Joelinton was compliant with officers and told them he had drunk two glasses of wine earlier in the evening.

His roadside breath test recorded 50mg per 100ml, which reduced to 43mg in one of two subsequent tests at Forth Banks police station, the court heard.

Geoffrey Forrester, defending, said: "He will be subject of disciplinary proceedings within the club once this process has concluded."

District Judge Currer said he took into account Joelinton's early guilty plea and compliance with officers, and he was convinced of the footballer's remorse.

But he warned Joelinton that drink-driving was a serious offence, telling the player: “What is clear to me is you accept you have made a grave mistake and a significant error of judgement.

"You placed yourself in real jeopardy and it could have had disastrous consequences for the lives of others.

"I sincerely hope you have learned from this mistake and we don't see you in this court again."

Joelinton’s appearance at Newcastle Magistrates' Court came less than 48 hours after he scored the only goal in the Magpies' 1-0 win over Southampton in the first leg of their Carabao Cup semi-final.