Manchester United's boxing XI: Weigh-in Rooney, Jesse Mouthgard and more

Rio Ferdinand is set to take up professional boxing at the age of 38 - so what better excuse for a pun-based Manchester United boxing XI!

The former Old Trafford defender is ready to rumble two years on from announcing his retirement from football.

Having started his career at West Ham and worked his way up to United, he will be hoping for a similar rise through the rankings in his new sport.

He should be used to a little rough and tumble after battling the likes of Didier Drogba, Thierry Henry and Alan Shearer during his playing career.

But can he add a belt or two to an already well-stocked trophy cabinet?


Here's a few puns that packed a punch but just missed out...

And here's the main event! Take a look at our Man Utd boxing XI - and send in your best suggestions to @SkySportsPL or leave them in the comment box below...

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