Brian Rice: Hamilton head coach banned for 10 games by SFA over gambling breaches

"I deserve my punishment," says Hamilton after SFA hearing. "I move forward now, it's a new start"

Image: Hamilton head coach Brian Rice self-reported his actions to the Scottish Football Association

Hamilton head coach Brian Rice has been banned for 10 games, five of which are suspended, following his admission he breached Scottish FA gambling rules.

The 56-year-old was accused of breaking the rules in each season from 14 July 2015 to 15 October 2019 and learned of his punishment at an SFA hearing at Hampden on Wednesday.

Rice self-reported his breaches to the SFA, and has revealed in the past that he has suffered with a gambling addiction.

"I deserve my punishment, I will serve my punishment and it is back to football matters," Rice said.

"It is a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I have let a lot of people down. I have handed myself in, I have been honest with myself and to everybody. I move forward now. It is a new start for me as a person."

When the news broke of his charges, Rice - who became Hamilton head coach in January 2019 - described falling back into a gambling addiction as a "lapse" in a statement on the club's website earlier this month.

Hamilton chief executive Colin McGowan called for an amnesty to help players and coaches confront their addictions following Rice's admission.

Assistant manager Guillaume Beuzelin will take charge of the team on Sunday at home to Celtic, assisted by academy director George Cairns.

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