Deadline Day: When does the transfer window shut around Europe?

With deadline day upon us, clubs all around Europe have been busy trying to get deals over the line to strengthen their squads.

It's been an exciting summer with plenty of big names involved in high-profile moves, but when exactly does the window shut in each country?

Premier League and Football League clubs can't buy anyone beyond 6pm on Tuesday September 1, but across Europe the times differ significantly.

In the Bundesliga, for example, German sides can't even buy players on September 1. Their window closed 24 hours earlier, at 6pm (BST) on Monday August 31.

PL ins and outs

Our guide to all the done deals involving Premier League clubs so far this summer.

If a Premier League club wants to buy a Bundesliga player, though, a deal could still be completed, but German clubs cannot bring players in past their deadline.


Italy, Spain, Holland, Russia and France were in it together, with their deadline at midnight on August 31 - 18 hours before Premier League and Football League clubs will cease doing business.

So it's worth noting that if any of your team's players are heading out across Europe, the deal would have had to be done on Monday August 31 or before.

Also See:

How a transfer works

From scouting to paperwork, the actual workings of a football transfer deal.

So on Tuesday, the first day of September, it's just the United Kingdom left trading.

The Premier League and Football League, as previously mentioned, can do deals until the window shut at 6pm, while Scottish clubs will continue until midnight.
